To reflect our union with Christ and all Christians, we are called to make a concrete commitment to a group of Christians in our city, with whom we live out our faith together missionaly and in covenant with one another. Your covenant partnership in a church is an official recognition of this. With biblical conviction and the power of the Holy Spirit, Covenant Partners at Doxa Church commit to:
    • Abide in Christ daily through the reading of Scripture, prayer, and the practice of other spiritual disciplines.
    • Follow the example of Christ in personal holiness in all of life and pursue accountability from one another.
    • Announce and celebrate Christ’s salvation by being baptized as a regenerate, confessing believer.
    • Remember Christ’s work by regularly taking communion corporately at Doxa Church.
    • Actively participate in biblical community that provides accountability with other believers and aligns with the vision and mission of Doxa Church.
    • Consistently pray for one another and our church leaders.
    • Engage with the body through regular attendance, service at corporate gatherings, and voting on financial spending.
    • Build one another up in the faith through God’s word and the exercise of spiritual gifts in serving.
    • Grow in biblical generosity, by giving cheerfully, consistently, and sacrificially, prioritizing Doxa Church’s general offering for supporting Kingdom work.
    • Proactively declare and demonstrate the goodness of the gospel to non-Christians with the hope of salvation.
    • Pursue training opportunities through classes, conferences, seminars, and Covenant Member gatherings including all of Doxa’s Core Classes.
    • Fight for oneness and refrain from speaking or acting in a manner that would weaken the unity of the Spirit in the body of Christ.
    • Welcome others into the community of Doxa by radiating the warmth of Christ to strangers and newcomers.
    • Teach nothing contrary to Doxa Church’s Doctrinal Statements and Elder Statements.
    • Submit to the care and direction of the elders of Doxa Church, knowing they are charged by God with the responsibility of leading, feeding, and protecting our covenant members.
You can download the Covenant Partnership Workbook to review more of Doxa's mission, strategy, beliefs, and convictions by clicking here.  

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